I have to admit that this past few days I have been having some interesting discussions about what is going on in bold science today.
Although I'm not a scientist or I'm not studying Physics (Which i will in the future), I have been reading a whole bunch of books and articles about Science, studied mathematics by my own and I'm person that needs a rational explanation about nature itself. I agree that I still need more education to at least debate something about science, but I want to discuss something that should be debate.
Not long ago, I had a great conversation about God with one of my cousins. He strongly believes that the theory of evolution is a completely fake, because we humans are made on gods image. I strongly disagree on that because we don't really know what's the image of god itself.
During the conversation we talked about different subjects like, robots, spirits, demons, mind control and many other stuff. we specially talk about spirits and demons. The great part of that subject is that he claims to believe that such things actually exist, spirits, demons, belzebu etc... namely that even thou he claims to have seen spirits or that even his house have been haunted, I still don't believe that such things actually exist.
The particular reason of why I don't think such mythologist beliefs exist is because even that we may not have an explanation in some supernatural event, there is always going to have a breach to question it. There for a simple and rational explanation will appear. Such things like spirits can't exist because we don't know what god or whatever it is that created the universe, is planning, doing, thinking and dreaming. In particular it seems that actually god is made upon our own image HAHAHAHAHAH!
The people with such beliefs of spiritualism doesn't realize that every demon, every spirit, every supernatural event, every exorcist, every witch, every pseudoscience, every close minded, are based in the thoughts of the human mind since the beginning of religion. Every kind of mystic being or religion and every kind of mystic belief without a rational explanation of such mystic being or event are just a mind control of masses. I think that all of this mystic things that had been around since centuries are pure business, they make others be blind folded to avoid any medical treatment with this great excuse "god is just testing you to see if you are prepare to go to heaven" The religion itself can make some money out of that belief. I strongly belief that innocence about science is the worst crime today.
Which in particular that should be debated in justice. But the majority of those kind of religions, cases where some religions have gods called Eminen, Shakira or President Obama. Are more punished than the church of Christianity itself. Not that I have something against christianity.
The faith that this people have are completely wrong inside a numerous factors of beliefs, per example the ethical faith still struggling against the spiritualist religions. And not just that but also the willing of not wanting to belief that we don't know what god is! and they prefer to have faith in the bible!...instead of faith in one self and the ethics that the humans created. Let's say I believe that at some point in ethics you really don't know what god is!!!... instead of believing that!! they belief that in some point you have to have faith in the bible, Jesus Christ and God itself.
That actually my friends is not fair this occurs because in my opinion every minute you pray, every minute you think that being clement is actually going to give you points to go to heaven are just avoiding you to see the reality of life itself. That reality is that every day there is people dieing on the streets, there are wars that haven't been avoid, there are killers, cowards, braves, and every thing you can think of, that they do claim for a piece of heaven but they don't seem to have the same luck that some other people have. Ins't that unfair? why not everyone goes to heaven? do they have the fault of not going to heaven? or they just didn't had faith in god or had some special problem that actually some person couldn't handle. Why the preachers and believers in religion thinks that god sent his own son down to earth to do the work for god? I thought that god could do everything!
I think faith is very important but depends in what kind of faith you belief, if is good for yourself and for others that is good faith, but if is good for yourself and god! is not good because one is being selfish with oneself by not accepting the pure reality of things. we have to take action to secure humanity. What we cannot do is to stay put and pray to god to save us.
Why do believers actually feel honored that he/she sent Jesus to earth? was it because god is so full of love that he/she decided to take a vacation?
Don't really know... but I have to admit that even thou this people exist I can't help to respect there believes, aether way science and religion are almost the same story the only problem is that from the part of science we don't accept religion to be close minded and for the part of religion they don't accept science to be open minded.
Wrote by Alan Cedeno
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