WITH the Large Hadron Collider still in the repair shop, the race to find the Higgs boson has become a lot tighter, thanks to the older and less powerful - but working - Tevatron collider near Chicago.
"The Tevatron definitely has a chance," says Greg Landsberg of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, who works on one of the LHC's detectors.
With the LHC due to restart only in November at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, the Tevatron has been gaining ground in the search for the Higgs, the particle thought to give mass to other elementary particles. At last week'sLepton Photon conference in Hamburg, Germany, Tevatron physicists said that by early 2011 they will have recorded enough data to allow them to either find or rule out the Higgs as predicted by the standard model.
Tevatron physicists said that by early 2011 they will have the data to either find the Higgs or rule it out
The LHC will have to sprint to catch up, and it won't be easy. While the LHC's higher energies should produce more Higgs particles, it will also boost the production of other particles that can mimic a Higgs, says Gordon Kane of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Telling between the two will require a precise understanding of how the LHC's detectors are working, which takes time to develop.
The LHC, however, could become the first to find particles of dark matter, a search for which the Tevatron is not well suited.
Con el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones todavía en reparación, la carrera para encontrar el boson de Higgs se esta estrechando, gracias al viejo y menos potente -pero funcionando- Tevatron Collider cerca de Chicago.
"The Tevatron definitely has a chance," says Greg Landsberg of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, who works on one of the LHC's detectors.
Con el LHC previsto para reiniciarse en Noviembre en CERN cerca de Ginebra, Suiza, el Tevatron a estado ganando terreno en busca del boson de Higgs, la partícula que se piensa que da masa a las demás partículas. La semana pasada en Lepton Photon conference en Hamburg, Alemania, físicos del Tevatron dicen que para los comienzos del año 2011 encontraran suficiente informacion como para permitirle encontrar o descartar el Higgs predicho por el modelo Standard.
El LHC tendrá que apresurarse para alcanzarlos, is no sera fácil. Mientras que las energías mas potentes del LHC deben producir muchas mas partículas Higgs, también impulsara la producción de otras partículas que mimetizaran al boson de Higgs,dice Gordon Kane de la Universidad de Michigan en Ann Arbor. Contar entre los dos requerirá una comprensión exacta de como los detectores del LHC están trabajando, lo que lleva tiempo para desarrollarse.
El LHC, sin embargo, podría convertirse en el primero encontrar partículas de materia oscura, una búsqueda en el cual el Tevatron no es el mas adecuado.
Original Source: www.newscientist.com
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